No Forgiveness in the Law, No Recognition of Repentance

A young person I know has recently turned his life completely around. He struggled with addictions to drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, anything that would help him forget his pain. His pain is not unlike many young men, he struggled to discover friendship, to hold onto love, to find his place in an unforgiving, unrelenting world. … Continue reading No Forgiveness in the Law, No Recognition of Repentance

It’s Time to Stand for Freedom

I totally believe in freedom of religion and religious instruction. However, our Constitution included a short amendment which our forefathers believed extremely important. In fact, it became the first, and most important to them. It reads:           “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” Congress shall … Continue reading It’s Time to Stand for Freedom

It’s time for Gender Equity

Women and men are different. This is not news. We are shaped differently. There are many other, often subtle, differences between us. For thousands of years the differences have engendered inequity, with no justification. We were created equal, though men and women were given different responsibilities in caring for the family. Generally, men provide support … Continue reading It’s time for Gender Equity