Tag Archives: dress

Unfair Dress Codes

Life isn’t fair, never was, never will be. People who told you that lied to you. But, sometimes there should be a line drawn.

We saw an older man walking down the street with his shirt stripped off and negligently tucked in a back pocket. I looked at my husband and asked, “Why do men think they can walk around with their shirts off?” His comment, almost concurrent to mine, “I don’t want to see his ‘tits’.” Neither did I.

Men have some audacity, thinking it is fine that they run around half naked, and expect that nothing be said or done. Yet, if a woman were to take off the clothing from her upper body, even in the privacy of her own home, she would be considered a tramp, and loose.

Worse, women who dress in the fashion of the day are targets for men who think they have a right to whistle, touch, feel, or rape them. Why should what a woman wears be an excuse for a man’s bad behavior?

Many times, the only clothing available, usually made by men, is tight fitting with low necks revealing more than anyone really wants to see. Try to find a modest, mid-rising neckline, covering your chest. It isn’t possible. They do not make them. The only way to get modesty in dress is to sew for yourself. I have done that for my dresses, but I don’t want to sew tees, or casual blouses. That costs too much money and too much time.

So, men control what we wear, as “fashion designers,” then they gawk and oogle when we wear what is available to buy. They walk around town, all but naked, and we are enticing them? Probably, because we don’t want to look at their skinny, scrawny bodies, or the rolls hanging over the belt. Even if they are in shape, why should we be forced to see them in such a state of undress?

Women rarely rape men and blame it on the man’s state of dress, or undress. Men should offer women the same courtesy, and allow us to dress as well as we can. Do not blame your rude, crude, and lewd behavior on what we wear. Control yourselves. Women, be fair, and control yourselves, as well.

Eve, First Matriarch coming soon


Pollutions Fill the Earth

Pollutions fill the earth!

Pollutions assault our eyes and minds each day. Trash lies along roadsides. Smoke and smog assault our eyes and noses. Light crowds out any ability to discern the stars. The earth struggles to maintain appropriate temperatures for our benefit. Oceans are clogged with man’s refuse. Even our land fills are crowded with plastics, diapers, paper, and other slow decaying matter, some of which can be recycled. Forests and ecosystems are overtaken and destroyed by men whose goal is wealth and control.

Children, adults, and large institutions address these issues daily. No public school class is complete without a discussion of the problem of pollution. And it is a challenge requiring much effort.

Other types of pollutions destroy our sensibilities. These are personal and individual pollutions, causing danger to self and others near us, pollutions of dress and language. A total lack of propriety prevails.

Skirts, shorts, and tops have long been shrinking, showing more and covering less. Decent women did not wear them, however. Only girls and women in television and movies and advertisements, and the women we hoped our men left alone—those on the street corners, advertising themselves.

During the past decade or two, this has changed. The prevailing attitudes of clothing designers declare less is best in fashion. Glimpses of bodies normally covered and protected are becoming the norm. Sex sells. Men and women are taught provocative wear is sexy in places other than the bedroom.

Female movie stars compete in showing more of their bodies, covering less and finding shock and admiration from the media. Rather than hide the nakedness, it is exposed on the news and internet for all.

Women are not alone in their state of undress. Men shred t-shirts and jeans, exposing sometimes muscled bodies. Some remove shirts entirely, as though a bare chest on a man is acceptable anywhere away from the beach or a swimming pool. Others, in an attempt to entice, unbutton many buttons near the neck. It is scary when the man is overweight or extremely hairy.

Worse, young men sag their pants, often wearing two or three pair of boxer shorts to try to cover, usually unsuccessfully! Few really want to view bare buttocks or lots of boxers.

True sexiness, true beauty is found in a covered body. Save your body for the one you love. Don’t share everything with everyone! Women and men who cover modestly also show greater respect for themselves and others.

Foul language permeates the lives of many. Children spew words only sailors used not many years ago. This occurs in classrooms of children as young as pre-school. Toddlers repeat language used by parents that at one time brought out the soap. The media is saturated with foul language and actions. It is not a surprise our youngest children repeat obscenities.

Add to the foul language a total lack of respect, for themselves or others. Rudeness prevails. Each person believes themselves to be of greater importance than any others. No one else in in as great a need or hurry as the one shoving in front of all others. This happens everywhere, though often visible in store lines and along road construction sites. Certainly, you can describe many more instances of selfish behavior.

Most egregious for me is the total lack of respect for my God. Too few worship God, or gods, thinking the name of the Savior of our world is a simple curse. Those of us who still consider the names sacred are deeply offended, often without recourse. Any suggestion of concern is mocked and ignored.

Am I alone in my concerns for dress and language pollution? Share with me what else pollutes your world.
