Refuse to Check the “Ethnicity” Box!

Each time children register for school, or someone completes employment paperwork, there is an obnoxious little box quietly demanding to be checked, demanding self-revelation: What is your ethnicity or race? Ethnicity? I know, some think it is Hispanic, or Black, or Eskimo, or Native American, Asian, or some other “color” people. Aren’t we all people? … Continue reading Refuse to Check the “Ethnicity” Box!

Will You Let Your Fears Hurt Your Children: Measles and Vaccinations

The big measles outbreak has captured the attention of the country, as even little babies are becoming ill with this disease that should have been extinguished years ago. We were told it was gone, at least from the United States. In the past decade, there were less than 100 cases of measles in most years. … Continue reading Will You Let Your Fears Hurt Your Children: Measles and Vaccinations

Will You Let Your Fears Hurt Your Children: Measles and Vaccinations

The big measles outbreak has captured the attention of the country, as even little babies are becoming ill with this disease that should have been extinguished years ago. We were told it was gone, at least from the United States. In the past decade, there were less than 100 cases of measles in most years. … Continue reading Will You Let Your Fears Hurt Your Children: Measles and Vaccinations