Change is in the Air

The world around us is changing, as it does each year. The sun rises later and sets earlier, temperatures fall, flowers fade, and trees drop their leaves. Autumn brings these changes. This year, as it does every four years, our country is in the thrall of elections. I think the election cycle is worse this … Continue reading Change is in the Air

Should Kaepernick Kneel?

Last week the news was filled with outrage that Colin Kaepernick would choose not to stand for the National Anthem at the beginning of football games. He stated that he refused to “show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” In my city, many were outraged at … Continue reading Should Kaepernick Kneel?

Olympic Swimmers Example for Selfishness

[Note: Multiple levels of chaos in my home have prevented me from writing for the last several weeks. If you looked for something new from me in these weeks, I apologize.] The 2016 Rio Olympics are coming to a close. We have watched Ryan Phelps swim like a Merman, Usain Bolt race across the track … Continue reading Olympic Swimmers Example for Selfishness

Must We Accept the Hatred That is Reigning?

It is easy to succumb to the hatred that rages across the Earth today, especially in light of the political conventions held last week and this. No wonder—almost every day news reaches us of another shooting or terror attack. No country is immune to the terror. Whether internal or external, hatred brings violence and terror. … Continue reading Must We Accept the Hatred That is Reigning?

Independence Day, How Will You Celebrate?

Independence Day is next Monday. Will you go to a party, swim, or shoot off fireworks? Will you watch a parade or join in community picnics and celebrations? All of these are great ways to celebrate. We celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, in remembrance of the great men and women who declared independence from … Continue reading Independence Day, How Will You Celebrate?

Only We, the People, Can Solve This Problem

Over the past years, we have seen things become acceptable after losing favor in the intervening years. I wore saddle shoes as a kid to help my feet stay straight. Fifteen years later, the black and white (or brown and white) oxford became the shoe to wear, though it no longer had the strength to … Continue reading Only We, the People, Can Solve This Problem