Tag Archives: Amazon books

A New Book to Crow About!!

As an author, most of my day is spent in writing. Imagine that! Anyway, last week, amid the other things I do for my family and friends, I managed to do two things worth crowing about.

First, my latest book, Abandoned Hope, is available for pre-sale on Amazon. You can order it now, or you can wait until Saturday, September 1st and download it and start reading! I’m excited to share this book with you!

I don’t usually even read a romance book. But, my husband loves chick flicks, and turns them on regularly. Some days we spend the evening with romance movies. What can I say? I have a romantic husband.

Abandoned Hope is a romance, telling the story of a visitor to Nod, Daphne, and Ziva’s son, David. I never expected it to be a romance. Half way through, I announced to my husband that I had written a romance. He read it, and liked it.Hope to see some of you have chosen to download Abandoned Hope this weekend. You may even find it on sale. The regular price for the eBook is $4.99. Saturday and Sunday, it may be less. *shrug* Check it out.

The next thing I did that I’m happy about is that I finished the first draft on the next book in the series, Brotherly Havoc. It is a totally different story. With a name like Brotherly Havoc, what do you think will be the focus of it?


A New Year, A New Book

Time passes quickly, especially when you are busy!

I have been busy over the last weeks of December and the beginning of January. I worked hard to get my first book, Eve, First Matriarch, ready for you to read! I am in the final stages of approval on both Create Space, which will allow you to order a paperback copy, or Kindle, which is electronic. The kindle version goes “live” on January 17!! I expect the paperback copy will be available by the beginning of next week. I even have an author page on Amazon:  amazon.com/author/angeliqueconger

I am learning the most difficult phase of being a self-published author, or an authorpreneur, is the marketing. I had never written even a good short story before. This required lots of new knowledge. I have read many books and reworked the original words many times to make this first book worth reading.

I finally talked my good husband into reading it for me, now that I have a paperback proof. He read it for errors, and did a good job of finding them. He even told me how much it affected him—something he wouldn’t say if it were not so.

If you would like to help me share the word about my book, I’ll be more than happy to have you on my team. All this is new to me, so we can learn how to get the word out together. I’ll blink twice and the book will be available to buy.

Check out the Amazon page and order yours today.
