In Honor of Our Brave Veterans

This Veteran’s Day, 2015, I offer my gratitude to all who gave their lives in service to our great nation over the years. Some died, like my great-great uncle who died on the steps of Lexington. My uncles and father-in-law returned from World War II, alive, seemingly well. However, along with thousands of others, they … Continue reading In Honor of Our Brave Veterans

National Novel Writing Month Updaate

It is November again. Three Novembers ago I was working on my first ever rough draft of a book. Before then, I wrote poetry and very long letters. I took a creative writing class in college, where I started a novel. I wrote one chapter. Since then, My sister has been working on writing fantasy … Continue reading National Novel Writing Month Updaate

A Disturbing Trend

There is a disturbing trend in schools lately. Though there is a clear Constitutional separation of church and state, children have not been allowed to pray in school for years, not allowed to read the bible, nor even perform a Christmas program of songs and dance. When I taught music in a school in Hawaii, … Continue reading A Disturbing Trend

Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall

Rainfall is necessary, bringing life-giving water. Nothing can live without water. Rain is falling somewhere today. Some parts of the world are wishing they didn’t get so much, like South Carolina last week; others, like we in the western United States, wish it would rain more, and more often. Every cell in our bodies requires … Continue reading Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall

Hatred Is NOT Worth the Effort!

I have been thinking of the hatred filling our country lately. There seems to be strife between people of different “colors”, and nations. Our beautiful, welcoming nation, that has long invited others to  join in building the creativity of our people, now rejects the poor and needy, those who have ideas that would instill greatness … Continue reading Hatred Is NOT Worth the Effort!