The Marijuana Band Wagon

The argument in our little corner of the country is whether or not the state or county has rights to determine who will run the marijuana stores. For now, they plan to sell marijuana only for those who need it medically, but as we saw in Oregon and Colorado, the lure of financial gain will soon change the laws to include recreational use.

I understand the need and desire to find relief from chronic pain, especially for parents of children who suffer from cancer and other debilitating diseases. No one likes to see their loved ones suffer, especially their little ones. We all want to find relief for pain, and cure for terrible diseases. I suppose marijuana does relieve pain. I am concerned about those who choose to use this drug for recreational purposes.

I’ve heard all the arguments, that marijuana is no worse than alcohol, that it causes less long lasting effects on the body, and that it helps the pain. They come from advocates, whose eyes are blinded by desire to use. Alcohol isn’t much better, in many respects.

I agree. Marijuana is not as destructive as heroin, cocaine, L S D, bath salts, and other illegal drugs. Users don’t jump from high windows thinking they can fly, or become addicted the first try, and die on the first or second use. But, they do impair the user, making them unsafe to drive. It affects the growth of the brain in young people, leaving them less than before use. They do forget their responsibilities, like jobs, safety, and children.

They are called “potheads” for a reason. Even stories that intend to support casual use portray the user as someone with fuzzy memories and strange activities. The substance that affects the user stays in the body and the brain for weeks. It isn’t as safe as those who push to legalize it would suggest.

My state tends to legalize many things in an attempt to bring money into their coffers. Medical marijuana is joining this, with many proponents shouting that it will help our schools. I doubt the money will reach the schools. As they greedily seek to gain more money from users, they will attempt to expand it beyond medicinal use to casual, recreational use.

The Marijuana Band Wagon

The argument in our little corner of the country is whether or not the state or county has rights to determine who will run the marijuana stores. For now, they plan to sell marijuana only for those who need it medically, but as we saw in Oregon and Colorado, the lure of financial gain will soon change the laws to include recreational use.

I understand the need and desire to find relief from chronic pain, especially for parents of children who suffer from cancer and other debilitating diseases. No one likes to see their loved ones suffer, especially their little ones. We all want to find relief for pain, and cure for terrible diseases. I suppose marijuana does relieve pain. I am concerned about those who choose to use this drug for recreational purposes.

I’ve heard all the arguments, that marijuana is no worse than alcohol, that it causes less long lasting effects on the body, and that it helps the pain. They come from advocates, whose eyes are blinded by desire to use. Alcohol isn’t much better, in many respects.

I agree. Marijuana is not as destructive as heroin, cocaine, L S D, bath salts, and other illegal drugs. Users don’t jump from high windows thinking they can fly, or become addicted the first try, and die on the first or second use. But, they do impair the user, making them unsafe to drive. It affects the growth of the brain in young people, leaving them less than before use. They do forget their responsibilities, like jobs, safety, and children.

They are called “potheads” for a reason. Even stories that intend to support casual use portray the user as someone with fuzzy memories and strange activities. The substance that affects the user stays in the body and the brain for weeks. It isn’t as safe as those who push to legalize it would suggest.

My state tends to legalize many things in an attempt to bring money into their coffers. Medical marijuana is joining this, with many proponents shouting that it will help our schools. I doubt the money will reach the schools. As they greedily seek to gain more money from users, they will attempt to expand it beyond medicinal use to casual, recreational use.

Remember the Past, Set Goals for the Future

At the end of each year many of us take a few moments to remember successes and failures of the last year, and set goals for a new year.

I, too, have been thinking of the things that happened in 2014 and have thought of some goals for 2015.

After never writing more than a chapter in a novel, I have written first drafts for 2 books and half of another, and, I began this blog, which has been sort of regular. The first book has been rewritten several times, and requires another rewrite before I send it on to an editor, before publishing it. For me, I find this to be successful, extremely so.

In my years as a student, I wrote lots of papers, including a 72 page thesis for my master’s degree, but never was I able to complete even a first draft of a novel. This year I wrote two, plus part of another, and have plans for more.

I guess for an author who isn’t published yet, or who hasn’t managed to complete anything, I’ve done pretty good. I’ve spent lots of hours sitting here, in my chair with the television playing hundreds of movies for my husband, writing all year.

2015 will be my year for publishing! I visited with my artist who will be painting my cover, and by the time I’m ready to publish, she will have a cover for me. Before then, I must do another rewrite, and get an editor to check it out.

My goals are to finish all the books in my Ancient Matriarch set, and see if my other book will become a series. I plan to publish the first book by the end of June, and have others ready shortly after. This means work, work, and more work. I’ll need to work harder, faster, and smarter to get all the books ready in time. I may also need to run a funding program to help pay for my artist and editor.

Additionally, my goal is to publish a blog each Wednesday. That seems to be the best, giving me time to come up with ideas and get it written.

2014 started my writing life, 2015 should be the year I share with you, my readers!

What are your goals for the coming year?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

It’s funny how you work so hard on a project, get up every morning, until it’s done. Then you wonder just what you will do with your time.

This has happened to me again today. I finished my Christmas sewing yesterday, got up early to sew the last nightgown, packed everything into boxes and wrapped in lovely wrapping paper, and sent off to grandchildren to open for Christmas.

Today, I woke up and wandered through the house, wondering what I would do with myself in the quiet of the morning. Yes, the Christmas paper litter needs to be picked up, in case we have visitors, and I could bake or make candies, for the same reason. But here I sit. I think I’d rather get back into the writing habit.

I think I’ll start by picking up with my blog and get back into the habit of blogging regularly, once a week. Look for me on Thursday. Then, back to working on my books, yes I have more than one in process. With any luck, next year I can wish you a Merry Christmas as I suggest you buy my books.

But that is next year.

This year, I will simply promise a more regular writing of this blog, and wish you a Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays. I hope your celebrations are filled with family and joy.

No Forgiveness in the Law, No Recognition of Repentance

A young person I know has recently turned his life completely around. He struggled with addictions to drugs, alcohol, and nicotine, anything that would help him forget his pain. His pain is not unlike many young men, he struggled to discover friendship, to hold onto love, to find his place in an unforgiving, unrelenting world.

This young man ended up on the street, feeling compelled to shoplift in order to eat, sold drugs for money, found himself in dangerous situations and the women with him in more danger, and drove under the influence of alcohol more than once, and was caught by the police driving under the influence. He struggled to find himself and often considered ending his life, seeing no way out of his problems. He is reminded of the struggles of his life by the tattoos and piercings covering much of his body.

He has cleaned up his life, no longer addicted to nicotine, alcohol, or drugs. He is happily married with children. He is back in school, receiving excellent grades in his classes. He is considering moving forward, hoping to attain a law degree. The tattoos and piercings will be expensive to remove, some are not easily hidden. For him, it is not the tattoos or piercings that will prevent his ability to overcome his past. It is his DUI arrest. It seems people interested in the law are not allowed to have problems in their youth, especially problems with drinking and driving.

I do not condone drinking and driving, or driving in an impaired manner. It is dangerous, and people are killed much too often by drunk drivers. However, it is the politicians, the police, the lawyers, and often judges who drive drunk and get away with it. Why is a young man or woman unable to study and take the tests enabling them to practice law because of one DUI? It seems hypocritical to me. “Don’t drink and drive; at least don’t get caught, before you become part of the law. After, it is perfectly fine.”

The law is never blind, regardless of the pictures of justice blinded. It seldom forgives. Men who do cruel, mean, and awful things should never be totally forgiven, I don’t want a rapist or a murderer living next door to me or my family. However, many of our neighbors have driven under the influence and been caught by the police. We don’t fear them or use it against them when they seek employment or education. We continue to be their friends, we cheer when them on in their efforts.

Jesus Christ often reminded his followers, of whom many of us are, of the importance of forgiveness:

 “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven”[1]

“Take heed to ourselves; if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.”[2]

“. . .He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone. . .”[3]

Those who make rules forget the great command to forgive, to understand that all men can change. Men and women have the ability to change, to improve, and become better, as the young man I know has changed. His repentance, his complete change should be recognized, should be understood, and given the opportunity to make himself into a valuable member of society.

It’s too bad the law doesn’t recognize repentance.

[1] KJV: Matt. 5:7

[2] KJV: Luke 17: 3-4

[3] KJV: John 8:

NaNoWriMo is Over, for This Year!

To all my friends and those who have begun to follow my blog, I apologize for my silence this past month. I was overwhelmed writing the first draft of a new book in my series, Ancient Matriarchs.

The first draft is written, and I’m waiting on the return of Eve Remembers from my beta readers. When they come back, I will be spending my time working to rewrite and edit that book one more time. I’m hopeful that this last round of rewrite/edits will be enough to consider paying an editor to go through it.

After that, I’ll need to pay for a beautiful cover, and get it published. There is hope that Ancient Matriarchs: Eve Remembers will be ready for you to read by summer. This is my first book, so I’m taking my time, to be sure it is right before I send it out for you to read.

Thanks for your patience.

It’s Time to Stand for Freedom

I totally believe in freedom of religion and religious instruction. However, our Constitution included a short amendment which our forefathers believed extremely important. In fact, it became the first, and most important to them. It reads:

          “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,”

Congress shall make no law to establish religion or prohibit free exercise of religion. Sounds simple. But it has not been.

Over the last century men and women forget the second part of that statement, believing that religion has no place in our lives. Religion has slowly been banned from our public lives. Children can no longer offer a prayer in school to gain divine help on a test; athletes are disrespected if they bow to offer a quick prayer of thanks after a difficult play; graduates are no longer allowed to pray at a graduation; and military can no longer admit to their religious beliefs. Symbols of belief are removed from all public display. Unless they are Muslim beliefs.

It is near the holidays. Most schools no longer have “Christmas holidays” or “Christmas programs.” They allow winter holidays, or holiday programs, but Christianity has been removed part and parcel from our lives, except in our churches.

Unless it is Muslim beliefs. Muslims seem not to be confronted with the “separation of church and state” myth. Schools are allowed to force the Muslim religion on all students as part of “history,” yet there can be nothing said about the changes in history because of a Christian religion. Good, honest citizens who respect the flag of our country and the veterans who fought to protect our freedoms are fined and forced to remove that flag, yet Muslim flags representing vile and despicable groups are allowed.

What ever happened to that part of the first amendment that protects the prohibition of the exercise of religion? Nowhere does it say only the Muslims are protected, nor does it say only Christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists can only be protected. It suggests all are protected from prohibition of religion.

Why, then, are students, athletes, believers in Christ or Jehovah, or any other deity denied the right to offer thanks to their God, unless it is Allah? Our freedoms give each of us the right to believe and worship “according to the dictates of our own conscious”. Every person in this great and grand country has that right, NOT just the Muslims.

We need to stand for our individual rights of worship and refuse to allow only one group those sacred rights. If we do not make it clear to others that we refuse to be denied this particular right, we will lose all our freedoms. The one particular group who is getting everything it wants because too many people fear retribution will take all our rights, and gain control of everything in our beautiful country, without a fight, with no shot fired, as we bend over in fear.

Choose freedom! Be counted as one who refuses to lose the rights so much a part of our country, those rights which make us special and free. Others of those freedoms itemized in the Bill of Rights are under attack, but the first and foremost, the one that will determine all the rest of our freedoms is the freedom to worship as we choose. Do not allow others to destroy that freedom, or any of the others!

Choosing Death Over Life

The news recently tells of people choosing death over life. One woman has a brain tumor and fears the pain it may bring, and chose to get the pill that will end her life. She plans to choose the day of her death. After losing prominent people to suicide, this is too much.

Life is beautiful. Life is important. Each person is built with the internal drive to maintain and continue life. Until the time of our death we do all in our power to preserve our own lives and the lives of those around us, especially those whom we love.

Life is given by God and He will take us home when it is our time to return to Him. Taking any life continues to be murder, whether another life or your own. There is darkness in the lives of some people that seems overwhelming to the point they choose to end it.

When one faces a disease that in most cases ends in debilitating pain, the desire is to avoid the pain, at any cost. Death seems to be the better choice.

Many men and women choose life in similar and worse situations. They choose to suffer valiantly, to face the pain with love for family, and determine to live the life given them honorably. These men and women are honored for living.

There is no honor in the cowardly choice of giving up, fearing to face the pain and avoiding the lessons of life that come when we confront pain.

Life is our purpose on earth.

In my book, Eve Remembers, Eve considers the pain of losing a child to death. She says:

“Our sorrows multiply. Father told me I would have sorrow in the conception of my children, but I did not understand the sorrow would be greatest with the murder of a child.”

A murdered child is one pain, cancer is another. In either case, there are joys and learning that only come from suffering. Only through pain can some things be learned. I honor those who choose to suffer.

Follow my website: and learn more about Eve Remembers.

It’s Time to Write Again!

It’s the middle of October. I’m becoming anxious to begin writing again.

Last year my sister encouraged me to join National Novel Writers Month, or NaNoWriMo, with the goal to write 50K words in the month of November toward a novel. I was somewhat hesitant to agree, as I had never managed to get more than a chapter written on a novel. I feared I wasn’t able to write something worth reading by others. What would I write?

I remembered a story floating in my brain for years, one I’d tried to write several times before, never successfully. I changed perspective, wrote as if I were her, and easily wrote my 50K words in less than the 30 days of November. I continued writing for another month and ended with over 100,000 words of a first draft.

The last ten months have been spent editing. I realized I was attempting to cover too much time, too much history. That book, Eve Remembers, is now a much more manageable 63,000 words, waiting for a final edit from me, Beta Readers, a professional edit, and a professional cover before I finally trust it to be shared with the world.

Eve Remembers recounts the early life and story of Mother Eve. During the year of writing, she whispered to me the stories of her life. It has been an exceptional, fulfilling year; it will be even better when I see it available for you to buy.

Now, it is nearing November again, time for the mad rush of writing. For a time I wondered ‘what will I write this year’. The last edit of Eve answered the question. If you enjoy reading my first book, other similar books will follow, as part of Ancient Matriarchs Series. Book Two: Into the Light is my November project. Yes, Book Three is planned, as well, Out of the Dark.

I never thought I’d become an author, though I’ve joined most of you in desiring to write a book. I hope my work will be appreciated and accepted by readers.

If you are interested in becoming a Beta Reader, reading an early version of Eve Remembers and commenting on it to give me help in making it perfect; I would love to hear from you! Fill the little form on my website or send me a note at Angelique@AngeliqueCongerAuthor. I’ll get back to you and make arrangements to get it to you.

Happy reading. I’ll be spending November writing!

Fear of Offense

Something weird is happening to America. We have accepted people of all nations and religions, eventually with joy. We have been called a “melting pot” and a “stew of nations.” In the early years people emigrating from a new location, such as Ireland and Italy, were met with dismay and suspicion. Never, however, did Americans bow down to a new group of people in fear of offense.

Let me say upfront that the tenants of my religion include:

“We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.”

In the history of my religious belief, men and women faced angry mobs intent on killing or ejecting them from their state many times. Even today we face a lack of respect and suspicion.

When I see Facebook memes suggesting Muslims should be forced to give up their sacred women’s clothing, or forced to give up something sacred to them, I cringe and remind my friends this has happened to us. We must be fair, kind, and loving, not fearful.

However, why should we be so condescending to remove all of the things we love that may offend a Muslim? We have had Muslims in our midst for many years, and have not had problems. They have not demanded we take the cleansing packets from Kentucky Fried Chicken, and why should they? If they don’t want it, they don’t have to take it! Yet, some stores are fearful of offense.

In one state, a store helped a city pay for upgrades to a street, earning the right to put up a sign. It included the word “bacon”. I don’t remember who complained, but they had to remove the offensive word. It offended Muslims. This practice continues throughout our country. We fearfully suggest they be ejected, or we do silly things to avoid offense.

Purposely offending others occurs all the time by “comedians” who purposely give offense to everyone as though it is funny. It is not. There is nothing funny about offense. Friends will tease and say hurtful things in jest, and hurt a friendship. Nothing good ever comes from purposeful offense.

Nothing good comes from fearfully attempting to not give offense, either. We have gone too far in this. We live here in this country, too. We have rights, and I am offended by the fear that drives commercial establishments to remove items for that reason!

Most heinous is that communities are denying citizens the right to fly the American flag, as it may “offend” some part of a community! The flag is a symbol of each citizen’s rights to freedom, fought and paid for by our soldier’s blood. We allow others to fly the flags of the country from which they came, but we don’t allow our flag to fly? Ridiculous!!!!

People move expecting certain rights and opportunities in the city, state, or country. The Statue of Liberty and our flag suggest welcoming them, and allowing newcomers to enjoy our freedoms. They come for our culture, our freedom, our opportunities, and then complain about the culture that provides the very freedom and opportunity they crave. I have seen this happen in cities and states. Now it is happening in our beautiful country. People arrive and take advantage of the benefits provided by our culture; the freedoms earned by the protection of our flag, and are offended by them?

I hate to say it, but the airplane, the road, or the boat that brought them here travels in the reverse direction. Those who are offended by our culture, our bacon, our clean wipes, our flag, can suck it up and be decent human beings, or they can go home!

Without the culture we have developed over the past two centuries, there would be no United States for others to flee to for safety, no place of opportunity so freely available. Because of our culture, we have accepted immigrants whether they arrive legally or not. That, too, is part of our culture. Early settlers came to this country seeking freedoms not available in their home countries. Those freedoms have been earned and rights have been given. No newcomer has the right to disrespect the freedoms and rights won for them by others. No newcomer has the right to receive the benefits of our culture and our willingness to accept them and reject the flag and laws that made the available.

Citizens of this great United States need to get a grip and stop fearing others. We should not purposely give offense, but we should continue to have the right to be free Americans, and enjoy our culture, especially the right to fly the flag of our country, freely.

Blogs and Ancient Historical Fiction