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What a Day This Is!

What a day today is! Father’s Day and the anniversary of my marriage to my sweetheart. Two great days in one!

I have a father who is especially wonderful. He makes it a point to see the beauties of the world wherever he is. He sees beauty on an icy glacier and in the midst of a dry desert and everywhere in between. He has taught his children to see the beauty around us.

I will always remember the spring day my parents took my sweetheart and me to the desert outside their home. We got out of the car and walked, looking at the ground. There we saw tiny, beautiful desert flowers lying next to the earth. Cactus had showy flowers. Other plants were blooming in response to the spring rains, attracting bees to pollinate and ensure their survival.

On another day, we went through Zion’s National Park, enjoying the beautiful plants and the occasional animal. We traveled through the tunnel, and found autumn leaves and natural markings in the sandstone mountains, like a great chessboard. Together we wished to be young enough again to hike to the other side of the ridge.

Dad’s exclamations of the beauties of Hawaii were typical of him. He noticed the small flowers, the great waterfalls, the continual waves beating on the shore. He appreciated the rainbows and sunsets. Almost everywhere we lived was enlightened by dad’s delight in God’s creations.

Even today, at age 86, dad and mom will spurn the freeways to drive the “back roads” hoping to see antelope or rabbits, beautiful flowers or other interesting beauties of nature. He is happy to notice cloud formations or rock formations, flowers or animals. He has always pointed them out to the rest of us and we have joined him, seeking for the beauty wherever we are.

One of the joys of the day is a remembrance of the day my young sweetheart and I were joined in marriage. He had traveled from Guam to Northern Utah, then we traveled together to Utah’s Dixie to be married in a sacred temple of our God. We stood on the white steps of that magnificent building, blinking into the sunlight, barely able to see the gardens and green around us. Was it the sun or our love for each other? Probably both!

My sweet husband has been much like my father, looking for beauty in the world around us. We marveled at unparalleled sunsets of Guam: deepest purples, darkest reds and oranges were stunning to our eyes. The Pacific Islands are incredible, even old dead fence posts would return to life, amazing us.

On the mountains and valleys of a little Alaskan island we were drawn to tiny orchids, dainty and beautiful. In the harbor sat a tall mountain that constantly steamed, a live volcano venting often enough to prevent a dramatic event.

Together this good man and I have enjoyed the beauties of the earth, the mountains, the oceans, the rivers and valleys of the world. We have watched otters playing in the surf and eagles snatching salmon from the lines of fishermen. We have seen mountain goats and antelope, beaver and elk, even Rock Apes in Gibraltar.

This is truly a beautiful world. I am grateful to be able to enjoy it, loving the beauties as taught by my father and shared by my husband.


The World Is Crazy Lately

There are lots of angry people in the country! There are shootings in schools, theaters, homes, everywhere. Why?

Our community is in mourning. Three good men died last Sunday, murdered by a couple who thought they had every right to show their disgust for government. They murdered two police officers who were doing nothing worse than enjoying a lunch break. They stole their weapons and ammunition, crossed the street and invaded a WalMart. WalMart is certainly a bastion of the Government! These two “freedom fighters” entered the store with guns out, ready to cause havoc among the horrible government workers who were mildly searching for a bargain.

One man, who stood in legally carried a concealed weapon, accosted the man, not realizing that the he was alive. He was murdered by the woman who was behind him. He just wanted to move the guns out of the store, and he lost his life.

Today, one of the officers was buried. The other will be buried Saturday. Services have not been set for the civilian who attempted to protect those shopping in the store.

All these men did their best to protect our community. All three are honored as heroes. But their families are without them, as fathers, sons, and brothers. Each family would rather have their man, not have him thought of as a hero.

Other communities mourn, for similar reasons. Angry people continue to cause fear and hurt.

What can we do to protect ourselves and our loved ones? Probably not much, when two police officers are murdered at lunch. Be careful, be watchful. Protect your little ones. Most of all, remember to give your loved ones a hug and tell them you love them each time you leave them. Sadly, there is a chance this could be the last time you will see them.


Fathers Day

Father’s Day is Sunday. It’s a day to remember and honor our fathers, husbands, and sweethearts.

My husband and father of my children is wonderful to me and to our children. We celebrate our marriage each year at this time. It is a special time for us. He spent years working to support us and protect our country in the U. S. Navy. Those days were not easy, but they were important and necessary. Now, he is a great grandfather, who is great at loving and spoiling the kids and grandkids. We honor him.

My own father is one I honor and love, as well. He is the epitome of dads and fathers, always there when we need him, no matter what. Even at 86, he will build us something, give us the produce from his garden, or offer to help move. He recently went to visit my niece and helped put in a window for her. That’s the kind of man my dad is. No wonder we love him so!

There is another father I would like to honor today. He is the father of us all, for he is the first father on earth, Adam. Without him, none of us would be here. And, who of us remember to honor him?

As I have been writing my book, from Eve’s perspective, I have gained a deeper respect for Adam. He was there from the first, supporting Eve in the birth of their children, and guiding them as they grew—something all women would want of a husband and father of her children. Beyond that, Adam taught them the laws and precepts of their God, our God. He wanted his children to return with him to the presence and abode of our Father in Heaven, the ultimate Father of us all.

In his efforts to teach, Adam saw many of his children fall away from the path of truth. Many preferred the way of the destroyer, for it is always easier, promising untold delights–untold, unearned, and often not received. It must have been extremely difficult to see his children choose a different path, and live with the consequences of those choices. The son we hear about most is Cain, who wanted more, more cattle, more glory, more power. (Does that remind you of anyone?) Ultimately, Cain had to run away, fearful for his life. The grief, the sorrow he brought upon his father’s head.

Each of us, individually, needs to remember our actions are our own, but the consequences of these actions are felt by our fathers and mothers. We do not live on an island, we are part of the whole, and fathers, parents, feel deeply the actions of our children, both sorrowful and joyful.

This year choose more than gifts that will fade or a card that will be set aside. Choose a better gift. Give of yourself, your time. Choose to find a way to make choices that will bring him joy.

Happy Father’s Day.
