Into Egypt

Before Egypt

Neighbors …
Friends …

Before Egypt is the prequel to the Into Egypt series in a ‘friends to lovers’ romance in ancient historical fiction. If you love ancient historical romance, you will love reading this book.

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Into Egypt: Discovery

A storm is coming …
Egyptus can sense it

Can Egyptus lead her family and followers to a safe home away from the destruction?

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Into Egypt: Settlement

Egyptus dreamed …
And prayed they were only dreams.

But the dreams caused greatest concern. What if they were visions? How would her family respond? Would they continue to accept her leadership?

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Into Egypt: Enemies

Enemies attack …
Floods threaten …
… and one betrays from within.

But one of the enemy knows them…
How did he learn their language? None of the others could. Who is he? And what does he want?

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