A Disturbing Trend

Greatest HeatThere is a disturbing trend in schools lately. Though there is a clear Constitutional separation of church and state, children have not been allowed to pray in school for years, not allowed to read the bible, nor even perform a Christmas program of songs and dance. When I taught music in a school in Hawaii, I could not put on a Christmas Program for the parents, we had to call it a Holiday Program, and receive special permission to include a song about the birth of the Savior, because that is the song the children determined they wanted to sing.

Lately, however, that separation is only enforced for Christians. Islamic teachings are taught, insisting that students know all their tenets. Progressive humanists, or atheists, preach their particular religion, defaming and failing students who refuse to deny their God. What happened to equal rights? What happened to separation of church and state? What happened to freedom of religion? What happened to our constitution? Is that freedom only given to Islam and atheists?

There is no such thing as cold, only absence of heat; no darkness, only absence of light, as taught by Einstein when confronted by an atheist professor. I argue atheism is on the far end of the religious scale, opposite from a strong knowledge there is a God. It is an absence of religion. These scales vary from one end of extreme heat to no heat; extreme light to no light; and strong belief in God (religion) to the opposite end, no belief in any god (no religion). Atheists are on the far end of the religion spectrum, but still on the scale.

When an atheist forces their non-religion on a group of school children, as a middle school teacher in Texas did recently, that teacher is as at fault as an Islamic believer forcing their teachings on Christian students or atheists, or a Christian forcing their teachings on atheists or Islamic students. None of these are legal, none are appropriate, none are moral.

Eve lived in a time when things were more black and white. Her children accepted Jehovah, or they chose to follow Lucifer. There were no other religions, then, only following Jehovah or not. Other religions sprang up, suggested by the Destroyer. Men and women created idols to worship, found other gods and goddesses to worship.

Eve taught her children to read, to write, and to obey Jehovah. There was nothing to stop her, no government body, no one from outside pushing their beliefs on her. Hers was the first home school, and she taught her love for Jehovah. The only safety we have for our children is to teach them ourselves. Schools will not do it.


2 thoughts on “A Disturbing Trend”

  1. I was just reading an excerpt from your first book on Amazon and noticed an error. You first described Adam as having brown eyes and Eve having blue eyes. Later there was an observation from Eve that Adam looked at her with his blue eyes. You might want to fix that. Does anybody proof your work?

    1. Yes. This has been proofed several times, and you are the first to catch that! Thank you.

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